This is my work for "The New Pope" by Paolo Sorrentino. I worked on the poster for the second season's premiere at Venice Film Festival.
My task was to work on photo taken on set and place a veil over the face of Jude Law, visually remarking his death in this season.

Here is the breakdown of the project:

Original shot on set with no color correction
I created three layout of the veil in Photoshop for the client to choose. They went for the layout number 01.

3 different layout for the veil
Once I got the layout locked it was time to arrange a shooting.
I recreated the same light as the one in the original shot. I had a model on a table with a white linen shirt on her face. I took a hundred shots to ensure to have every variation of folds in the veil.

Screenshot of the shooting I did
Next step was to selectively choose all the folds, one by one, from all the pictures I took. The goal was to recreate a photorealistic image being consistent with the concept I showed to the client.

Final composite of the veils I shot and merged in Photoshop